Home / R10


Beenhakker Tegels sells various floor tiles anti-slip class R10. The anti-slip class indicates how stiff a floor tile is and the most common anti-slip class are R9, R10 and R11. The anti-slip class R10 is fairly stiff, but still fairly flat. Because the floor tiles with anti-slip R10 are still fairly flat, these tiles are still easy to maintain. The floor tiles anti-slip class R10 are versatile in use and can be used in various areas, such as the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and hallway. For the bathroom, the R10 floor tiles are ideal and also the minimal in terms of anti-slip. The floor tiles with R10 can also be used on the wall, without this causing cleaning problems.

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We are closing our doors as of July 1.

As of July 1, 2024, Beenhakker Tiles will cease business operations. You can still order until July 1, 2024. After that, our webshop will close and we will no longer take new orders. Our showroom will also be closed starting July 1. Have you already ordered and want to cancel your order? Then please contact us.